[Compboost] contains two mlr3
for regression regr.compboost
and binary classification
. See https://mlr3.mlr-org.com/ For an
introduction to mlr3
. Here, we show the two learners in
small examples.
As task, we use the Boston housing task that is accessible via
task = tsk("boston_housing")
#> <TaskRegr:boston_housing> (506 x 19): Boston Housing Prices
#> * Target: medv
#> * Properties: -
#> * Features (18):
#> - dbl (13): age, b, cmedv, crim, dis, indus, lat, lon, lstat, nox,
#> ptratio, rm, zn
#> - int (3): rad, tax, tract
#> - fct (2): chas, town
The key regr.compboost
gives the regression learner:
lcb = lrn("regr.compboost")
#> <ParamSet>
#> id class lower upper nlevels default parents value
#> 1: baselearner ParamFct NA NA 3 spline spline
#> 2: bin_root ParamInt 0 Inf Inf 0
#> 3: degree ParamInt 1 Inf Inf 3 baselearner
#> 4: df ParamDbl 1 Inf Inf 5 5
#> 5: df_cat ParamDbl 1 Inf Inf 2 2
#> 6: differences ParamInt 1 Inf Inf 2 baselearner
#> 7: early_stop ParamLgl NA NA 2 FALSE FALSE
#> 8: eps_for_break ParamDbl -Inf Inf Inf 0 early_stop
#> 9: interactions ParamUty NA NA Inf
#> 10: iterations ParamInt 1 Inf Inf 100 100
#> 11: just_interactions ParamLgl NA NA 2 FALSE FALSE
#> 12: learning_rate ParamDbl 0 Inf Inf 0.05
#> 13: loss ParamUty NA NA Inf
#> 14: loss_oob ParamUty NA NA Inf early_stop
#> 15: n_knots ParamInt 1 Inf Inf 20 baselearner
#> 16: oob_fraction ParamDbl 0 1 Inf 0.3
#> 17: optimizer ParamUty NA NA Inf
#> 18: patience ParamInt 1 Inf Inf 5 early_stop
#> 19: show_output ParamLgl NA NA 2 FALSE FALSE
#> Component-Wise Gradient Boosting
#> Target variable: medv
#> Number of base-learners: 18
#> Learning rate: 0.05
#> Iterations: 100
#> Offset: 22.5328
#> LossQuadratic: L(y,x) = 0.5 * (y - f(x))^2
The most important features of Compboost
can be
controlled via the parameters. For example, using early stopping
requires to set the value oob_fraction
to a number bigger
than 0. Just in this case, the learner can be trained with early
lcb = lrn("regr.compboost", early_stop = TRUE)
#> Error in get_private(learner)$.train(task): `oob_fraction > 0` required for early stopping.
lcb = lrn("regr.compboost", oob_fraction = 0.3, early_stop = TRUE)
#> _iterations oob_risk time baselearner train_risk
#> 1 0 NA NA intercept 40.37947
#> 2 1 41.06313 0 cmedv_spline 36.45684
#> 3 2 37.07316 358 cmedv_spline 32.91667
#> 4 3 33.47867 683 cmedv_spline 29.72167
#> 5 4 30.24079 995 cmedv_spline 26.83817
#> 6 5 27.32444 1314 cmedv_spline 24.23582
Binary classification
Binary classification works in the same way. We use the
data set for the demo:
task = tsk("spam")
#> <TaskClassif:spam> (4601 x 58): HP Spam Detection
#> * Target: type
#> * Properties: twoclass
#> * Features (57):
#> - dbl (57): address, addresses, all, business, capitalAve,
#> capitalLong, capitalTotal, charDollar, charExclamation, charHash,
#> charRoundbracket, charSemicolon, charSquarebracket, conference,
#> credit, cs, data, direct, edu, email, font, free, george, hp, hpl,
#> internet, lab, labs, mail, make, meeting, money, num000, num1999,
#> num3d, num415, num650, num85, num857, order, original, our, over,
#> parts, people, pm, project, re, receive, remove, report, table,
#> technology, telnet, will, you, your
Then, the usual methods and fields are accessible:
Using compboost in parallel
The parallel execution in compboost
is controlled by the
optimizers. With mlr3
, optimizers can defined in the
construction of the learner. Thus, if compboost should be run in
parallel, define an optimizer in advance and use it in the
#> train
#> 5.858
lcb_2c = lrn("classif.compboost", iterations = 500L, optimizer = OptimizerCoordinateDescent$new(2))
#> train
#> 3.26
Using different losses
As for the parallel execution, losses can be defined by the
parameter value in the construction:
task = tsk("boston_housing")
lcb_quantiles = lrn("regr.compboost", loss = LossQuantile$new(0.1))
#> <PredictionRegr> for 506 observations:
#> row_ids truth response
#> 1 24.0 13.94270
#> 2 21.6 13.88014
#> 3 34.7 13.76084
#> ---
#> 504 23.9 13.94210
#> 505 22.0 13.89905
#> 506 11.9 13.62323
Adding interactions
Interactions can be added in the constructor by specifying a
with columns feat1
. For each row, one row-wise tensor product base
learner is added to the model:
task = tsk("german_credit")
ints = data.frame(feat1 = c("age", "amount"), feat2 = c("job", "duration"))
#> feat1 feat2
#> 1 age job
#> 2 amount duration
l = lrn("classif.compboost", interactions = ints)
#> baselearner risk_reduction
#> 2 status_ridge 0.02703527
#> 1 amount_duration_tensor 0.01305659
plotTensor(l$model, "amount_duration_tensor")
Use early stopping
Early stopping is also controlled by the constructor. Use
early_stop = TRUE
to use early stopping with the default
values patience = 5
and eps_for_break = 0
). In compboost
, early stopping
requires a validation set and hence to set
oob_fraction > 0
task = tsk("mtcars")
l = lrn("regr.compboost", early_stop = TRUE, oob_fraction = 0.3, iterations = 1000)
A more aggressive early stopping is achieved by setting
patience = 1
l = lrn("regr.compboost", early_stop = TRUE, oob_fraction = 0.3, iterations = 1000,
patience = 1)
Though, this is not recommended as it can stop too early without
reaching the best validation risk. Note that
oob_fraction > 0
must be true to use early stopping:
l = lrn("regr.compboost", early_stop = TRUE)
#> Error in get_private(learner)$.train(task): `oob_fraction > 0` required for early stopping.