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This class defines a custom base learner factory by passing R functions for instantiation, fitting, and predicting.


S4 object.



Uninitialized data object used to store the meta data. Note: At the moment, just in memory storing is supported, see ?InMemorydata for details.


R function to transform the source data.


R function to train the base learner on the target data.


R function to predict on the object returned by train_fun.


R function to extract the parameter of the object returned by train.


BaselearnerCustom$new(data_source, list(instantiate_fun,
  train_fun, predict_fun, param_fun))


The function must have the following structure:

instantiateData(X) { ... return (X_trafo) } With a matrix argument X and a matrix as return object.

train(y, X) { ... return (SEXP) } With a vector argument y and a matrix argument X. The target data is used in X while y contains the response. The function can return any R object which is stored within a SEXP.

predict(model, newdata) { ... return (prediction) } The returned object of the train function is passed to the model argument while newdata contains a new matrix used for predicting.

extractParameter() { ... return (parameters) } Again, model contains the object returned by train. The returned object must be a matrix containing the estimated parameter. If no parameter should be estimated one can return NA.

For an example see the Examples.


This class doesn't contain public fields.


  • $summarizeFactory(): () -> ()

  • $transfromData(newdata): list(InMemoryData) -> matrix()

  • $getMeta(): () -> list()

Inherited methods from Baselearner

  • $getData(): () -> matrix()

  • $getDF(): () -> integer()

  • $getPenalty(): () -> numeric()

  • $getPenaltyMat(): () -> matrix()

  • $getFeatureName(): () -> character()

  • $getModelName(): () -> character()

  • $getBaselearnerId(): () -> character()


# Sample data:
data_mat = cbind(1, 1:10)
y = 2 + 3 * 1:10

# Create new data object:
data_source = InMemoryData$new(data_mat, "my_data_name")

instantiateDataFun = function (X) {
# Ordinary least squares estimator:
trainFun = function (y, X) {
  return(solve(t(X) %*% X) %*% t(X) %*% y)
predictFun = function (model, newdata) {
  return(as.matrix(newdata %*% model))
extractParameter = function (model) {

# Create new custom linear base learner factory:
custom_lin_factory = BaselearnerCustom$new(data_source,
  list(instantiate_fun = instantiateDataFun, train_fun = trainFun,
    predict_fun = predictFun, param_fun = extractParameter))

# Get the transformed data:
#>       [,1] [,2]
#>  [1,]    1    1
#>  [2,]    1    2
#>  [3,]    1    3
#>  [4,]    1    4
#>  [5,]    1    5
#>  [6,]    1    6
#>  [7,]    1    7
#>  [8,]    1    8
#>  [9,]    1    9
#> [10,]    1   10

# Summarize factory:
#> Custom base learner Factory:
#> 	- Name of the used data: my_data_name
#> 	- Factory creates the following base learner: custom